Interested in PhD research on the Cosmos, Earth or Anthroposphere?

The Big Picture - Our Mission


Humanity faces grand challenges such as resource depletion, climate change, and insecurity about future energy supply. The mission of our Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy is to address these challenges through inter- and trans-disciplinary academic research connecting the cosmos with planets & atmospheres including its environments and with the anthroposphere. We aim our students to become world-leading experts in either of these three branches while also confidently communicate and contribute across all three branches. We want our school to become a central place in the heart of Europe for training and as a resource of knowledge about our place in space and time.

Earthrise. Taken by astronaut William Anders, Apollo 8. (NASA)



Creating a diverse scientific community is a key goal and challenge in today’s academic world. This full-day event highlights leading researchers and...


As cities are faced with heatwaves which are increasing in frequency and intensity, inclusive, equitable, and just resilience strategies are vital....


Mathias Harzhauser invites us to explore the profound and transformative forces that have shaped life on Earth. From the primordial sparks of fire...


Are you curious about how human activities drive Climate Change and how these changes impact our future in return? This Climate Fresk workshop for the...


Come and join us for this exciting event: Science and art, academia and other passions, how can these be combined? This event elucidates these...


Be invited to a talk by Sebastián Lehuedé on the concepts of coloniality and autonomy and how they manifest in the governance of astronomy data in...